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As a high school senior, you’re beginning to make big decisions that will influence your future. Choosing a college is one of the most significant decisions you’ll make in your life.

There are thousands of colleges and universities to choose from– and each offers unique programs, cultures, and opportunities. The one you pick will determine your college experience and could influence where you end up in your career.

Since it’s a major life decision, choosing a college can feel overwhelming. We’ve designed this guide to help you pick a college that aligns with your academic goals, personal interests, and future aspirations.

This guide will walk you through the essential steps as you navigate your post-high school life. We’ll cover how to identify your priorities, explore campus culture, evaluate financial aid, and even how to consider career prospects.

How Many Colleges Should I Apply To?

Because each student’s situation is different, there is no set number of schools they should apply to that will guarantee admission. However, there is an appropriate range; we advise prospective students to apply to anywhere between five and eight schools of different institutional types to increase their odds of acceptance. 

Experts recommend applying to three target schools, two reach schools, and two safety schools. 

  • Target schools: Schools that are highly likely to accept you based on their typical admission standards.
  • Reach schools: Competitive and selective institutions that may be more difficult for you to get into but where there is still a chance.
  • Safety schools: Guaranteed to accept you based on your qualifications

By targeting these three categories you’re sure to get one of your next choices, even if you don’t make it into your reach schools. Note: Many institutions have application fees; therefore, you’ll need to have some cash on hand when completing these applications.

Ways to Compare to Institutions and Shorten Your List

When choosing a college, look into the various programs offered by different universities as well as their associated tuition costs and merits. You’ll find lots of schools that could be a good fit for you. Here are some tips for cutting that list down to the ones that will meet your unique needs.

1. Start Applying Early

Planning to begin your applications early is critical for school admissions. It takes significant time to complete application essays, save money for fees, take the required tests, and obtain recommendation letters from your references. Give yourself the best chance by starting your preparations early and follow through by submitting your application early. 

Most academic institutions have their own deadline for applications. Make sure you know the due dates for your preferred schools to avoid missing them. If you procrastinate, you may miss the deadline and lose a great opportunity.

Note: Fall admissions are usually considered in January of the same year. 

2. Rank your Priorities 

With so many options to choose from, take a moment to think about the factors that are most important to you in a school. Is it the affordability, the academic prestige, the social life or the diversity? 

Whatever you value most, list those things from most to least important and eliminate the schools with the fewest of your top priorities. 

3. Distinguish Wants Versus Needs

When picking colleges to apply to, separate your wants from your needs. For example, an all-star football team might be fun, but it likely doesn’t take precedence over the quality of the business program you’re seeking out. 

Likewise, the off-campus nightlife shouldn’t supersede the importance of the school’s affordability. Separating your non-negotiables from your “nice to haves” will make choosing a college much easier.

4. Visit Campuses Virtually or in Person

If you want to know how to find the right college, visit the ones you’re interested in. Campuses each have their distinct environment, values, and ambiance. For instance, one may be quiet, green, and spacious, while another may be buzzing, modern, and eclectic. 

Therefore, getting a campus tour (whether digitally or physically) is necessary. It will be crucial in helping you get a feel for the school and its energy, which may make your decision clearer. 

5. Compare the Pros and Cons

If you ask an academic counselor how to decide what college to go to, they will most likely tell you to make lists of pros and cons. Making a list of pros and cons provides a clear visual representation of the advantages and disadvantages of each college you’re considering.

Create a simple template with two columns: one for “Pros” and one for “Cons.” Leave enough space under each column to list multiple items. Use a simple paper or a spreadsheet for easier organization.

Gather information about each college on your list. Visit their websites, read reviews, watch campus tours, and, if possible, visit the campuses in person. Pay attention to the factors you identified as important, and collect any additional information that might influence your decision.

For each college, list the advantages and disadvantages based on your research. For example:


  • A strong program in your chosen major
  • Diverse campus with many student organizations
  • Excellent internship opportunities in the local area


  • High tuition costs with limited financial aid
  • Located far from home
  • Larger class sizes and limited personal interaction with professors

Once you’ve filled in the pros and cons for each college, evaluate the lists. Which colleges have more pros than cons? Which cons are deal breakers for you? 

Consider how the pros and cons align with your preferences and goals. As you weigh the pros and cons of each institution, it may become clear which one meets most of your criteria.

6. Look into Job Connections

The purpose of college is to kickstart your professional career and equip yourself with the skills needed to succeed in the workforce. You should if your preferred schools have employment resources that will help you launch into the professional world seamlessly. This includes internship opportunities, career centers, classes, and so forth. 

You can look for data on the employment rates of various school’s alumni. Look into how colleges you’re interested in set their students up for future success.

7. Compare Financial Aid Offers

You can apply for college grants and loans through the Federal Application for Student Aid (FAFSA). Schools may also supplement this financial assistance with grants and loans of their own. 

For instance, you may have been accepted to your top school of choice, but got offered a full-ride scholarship by your third choice. 

Even though your top choice is a viable option, you’ll need to decide whether it’s worth taking on debt to attend your dream college or rather be debt-free and give up your preferred institution.

Items to Consider When Picking Colleges

In the application process, there is a tendency for students to develop tunnel vision and fixate on one aspect of a college. But, there are so many factors to take into consideration that can all have an impact on your educational future. 

Here are some you should think about as you research different universities. 

Academic Quality

Academic quality refers to the effectiveness of a school’s education methods, faculty members, resources, programs, and other opportunities.

It is measured by various factors including:

  • Student-to-faculty ratio
  • Average class size
  • Graduation/retention rates
  • Course grades
  • Post-graduation earnings

Not all colleges are created equal; some schools have better reputations than others in terms of the quality of their output. Your education will pave the way for the rest of your life, so the quality of education should be one of your top considerations when choosing a college. 

To make your research easier, the U.S. Department of Education has provided a College Scorecard that allows you to compare aspects of academic quality from various schools.

Tuition and Other Costs

Academic quality may not matter if a college is unaffordable. Tuition costs and fees play a huge part in a student’s college decisions. For instance, if you have to take out loans to afford the school, consider whether you’re willing to service the loans for the foreseeable future.

Costs vary by institution, so if affordable tuition is your greatest priority, look into schools with many scholarship and grant opportunities and competitive tuition costs. 

The factors determining college fees include:

  • Type of institution: Public colleges and universities are generally less expensive than private colleges and universities.
  • Location: Schools in urban areas tend to be more expensive than those in rural areas.
  • Student residency: In-state students typically pay lower tuition than out-of-state students at public colleges and universities.
  • On-campus vs. off-campus living: Living on campus can be more expensive than living off campus, but it can also be more convenient.

In the United States, factoring in expenses like books, supplies, and everyday living on top of tuition and fees, the average yearly cost of attending college comes to around $36,436 per student.

If you decide to attend a school within your own state, you’ll be offered a lower tuition rate than you would at an out-of-state school for tax reasons. In-state student fees in a public 4-year institution is approximately $26,027 for one academic year.

Available Programs

Does the college have your intended major? This is one of the most vital parts in determining the college you choose.

Students attend colleges and universities to become experts in the field they intend to pursue. Make sure that your top school choices offer your intended major and that their programs have a good reputation. 

You can contact the department offering your program for more detailed information, such as program entrance requirements, coursework, and more.

Culture and Environment

The environment and culture of a school can help you grow and develop as a person, and may even impact your enjoyment of the student experience. 

For example, if you’re majoring in art, seek out schools that foster a culture of creativity and an environment conducive to artwork. On the other hand, if your goal is to get involved in many extracurricular activities and make friends, look for schools with intramural sports and academic clubs. 

If you want to focus strictly on academics, look into colleges that devote much of their resources to research. 

Testing Requirements

Standardized tests, including the SAT and the ACT, play a significant role in college admissions. Some institutions require their applicants to have minimum test scores for admission.

Try to limit your time and resources to only the schools you qualify for with your current test scores. If your scores do not qualify for your top choices, you may retake the test if time permits. (This is why early application is always a good idea.)

Here’s a list of college entrance exams:

  • SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test): Used for college admissions in the United States. It assesses your reading, writing, and math skills.
  • ACT (American College Test): A standardized test that assesses your reading, writing, math, and science skills. Colleges generally consider both SAT and ACT scores equally, allowing you to choose the one you feel best prepared for.
  • CLT (Classic Learning Test): A newer alternative to the SAT and ACT. The CLT emphasizes critical thinking and reasoning skills and is shorter than the other two tests. However, it’s not accepted by as many colleges as the SAT and ACT.
  • AP (Advanced Placement) Test: Not exactly an entrance exam but AP Tests can strengthen your college application. It’s administered by the College Board and allows you to earn college credit while still in high school.
  • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language): The TOEFL is required for international students whose native language is not English. It measures your ability to understand and use English at the university level.
  • GED (General Educational Development): The GED is a test for students who didn’t complete high school but want to pursue further education. It certifies that you have acquired knowledge and skills equivalent to a high school diploma.

Rate of Acceptance

The most prestigious and competitive institutions usually have minuscule acceptance rates. For example, Yale University only accepts less than 5% of all applicants. 

While you shouldn’t immediately discount yourself, be honest with yourself and consider whether your grades and test scores will make it worth the time, work, and money to apply to institutions with low acceptance rates.

Graduation and Retention Rates

A school’s graduation and retention rates can tell you a lot about how much students enjoy the school experience and how effective the institution is in helping students complete their education. 

Ivy league colleges have maintained retention rates of 90+%, but this near-perfect rate isn’t realistic for most other institutions. We recommend looking for schools with a graduation and retention rate of over 75%, or a C on the high school grading scale, for a great academic experience.

Housing and Dining Options

If you’re planning to live on or around campus, the quality and availability of housing and dining options will be an important consideration. 

Do your top institutions offer well-maintained housing on campus? Does the school have a dining hall, or do students have to venture to different parts of campus for their meals? Are sophomores, juniors, and seniors permitted to live in on-campus housing, or will they have to relocate to off-campus housing after freshman year? 

Depending on your preferences, the answers to these questions may make or break your choice of college.

Ability to Provide Online Learning

Since the transition to remote learning and work in 2020, many schools have opted to keep their online learning option in place to offer education to a broader range of students. 

Choosing between on-campus and online learning can be a tough decision. On-campus classes offer a traditional college experience with face-to-face interaction with professors and classmates. Online learning, on the other hand, provides a more flexible and independent approach. This is ideal for students with other commitments like work and family.

Online programs offer benefits such as:

  • Flexibility: You can learn at your own pace, fitting your studies around your work, family, or other commitments.
  • Cost: Online programs have lower tuition fees than traditional on-campus programs, and you can save money on housing and commuting expenses.
  • Communication: Online programs promote communication in different ways. Discussion forums and communities allow you to connect with classmates worldwide.
  • Flexible scheduling: You can complete coursework at times that suit you, providing greater control over your daily schedules.
  • Better organization and time management: Online learning encourages students to develop strong organizational skills and manage their time effectively.
  • Global perspective: Online programs often attract a diverse student body, offering a broader perspective and opportunities to connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds.

Online learning can be a great option for busy professionals, self-motivated learners, and anyone seeking a more affordable and adaptable way to earn their degree.

Extracurricular Opportunities

Well-rounded students take advantage of opportunities outside of the classroom. Make sure extracurricular opportunities are part of your college criteria. 

Whether you’re interested in film, choral music, athletics, culinary arts, dance, theater, debate, sculpting, or foreign languages, look for schools with programs or clubs that will develop your interests and hobbies.

Support and Resources

If you are a student requiring special accommodations for learning impairment, physical disabilities, religion, or something similar, see to it that your chosen school has the support and resources to make your learning experience possible. 

Check for the availability of writing centers, tutoring services, counseling facilities, on-campus medical professionals, wheelchair ramps, elevators, and more.

How NOT to Choose a College

Now that we’ve overviewed what you should do during the college application process, let’s talk about a few things you shouldn’t focus on as you choose colleges.

Don’t Focus on Prestige Alone

Prospective students sometimes place greater value on the education of big-name institutions. Schools with elite reputations do not always offer better value than other schools. 

Even though it’s fun to tell people you were admitted to a selective school, you should never attend because of notoriety alone. Choose the college that makes you happiest, is the best personal fit, and meets most of your goals.

Don’t Rely on College Rankings

College rankings don’t always tell you everything you need to know about a school; they only paint a small part of the picture. For instance, you may be able to learn how many people in your class are likely to graduate, but you won’t have any idea how much students enjoy the school or what the teachers are like. 

What’s more, rankings can vary based on the criteria of the organization conducting the rankings, and they can be skewed in favor of certain institutions. 

A higher ranking doesn’t necessarily translate to a better fit for you. Here are specific ranking categories that might be more relevant to your circumstances:

  • Best colleges for veterans: These colleges prioritize veteran support services, like academic advising specifically for veterans, and resources to help transition to college life.
  • Best undergraduate teaching: These rankings focus on the quality of instruction and student-faculty interaction.
  • Best value schools: These rankings consider academic quality, affordability, and graduation rates.
  • Most innovative schools: These rankings highlight institutions on the cutting edge of academics and technology. 
  • Top performers on social mobility: These rankings recognize colleges that are successful in graduating students from low-income backgrounds.

Top public schools: This category focuses on the best public universities within a state or nationally. Public schools often offer lower tuition fees compared to private institutions.

Checklist for Choosing a College

Choosing the right college is a big decision. Use this checklist to guide you through the process to find the perfect fit:

  1. Create a short list of colleges you’d like to attend: Brainstorm colleges that interest you. Consider factors like location, size, academic programs, and special offerings.
  2. Rank your priorities: Make a list of your priorities and weigh them against each other. For example, academic excellence, affordability, campus life, and more.
  3. Write down the deadlines: Research and note down important dates for applications, financial aid, scholarships, and housing. You must meet deadlines to ensure your chances of admission and financial aid.
  4. Visit your desired colleges if possible: Campus visits allow you to experience the college atmosphere firsthand. See if the campus feels like a place where you could thrive. Talk to current students and faculty to get their perspectives.
  5. Research financial aid: Research scholarships, grants, and financial aid packages offered by each college on your list. Financial aid can help reduce the cost of attendance.
  6. Dig deeper into departments and compare with others: Once you have a shortlist, research the specific academic departments for your desired major. Compare course offerings, faculty expertise, and any unique programs or research opportunities.
  7. Research career opportunities: Consider how your college major translates into potential careers. Check whether the college offers career counseling services or internship programs to help you gain practical experience.

Discuss your choices with your family and friends: Talk to your support system to get their feedback on your list, and discuss any financial considerations.


What Are My Chances of Getting Into a Good College?

The likelihood of your admission depends upon your high school GPA, letters of recommendation, standardized test scores, extracurricular involvement and overall well-roundedness, demographic information, character and passion, application essay (if required), and the major you’re pursuing. 

If you want to increase your chances of acceptance, start working on these things now by seeking extra-credit opportunities, retaking standardized tests, volunteering in your community, gathering recommendation letters from trusted mentors, and improving your writing skills. 

How Do You Start Looking at Colleges?

Meet with your high school academic advisor to get started. They can recommend educational institutions based on where you want to attend, your budget, your preferred school size, your intended major, and more. 

You can also attend college fairs, visit local campuses, and do your own research online to find schools that meet your criteria.

When Should You Start Looking at Colleges?

Give yourself at least a year before you graduate to start looking into colleges and universities. Junior year is typically considered the best time, but you can start earlier if you prefer. 

Generally, the earlier, the better. You need time to carefully weigh your options and consider the pros and cons until you feel confident about the schools that are right for you.

How Does a College Differ From a University?

Many people consider “college” and “university” interchangeable terms. But, in general, a university offers all levels of degrees, from the associate to the doctoral level, while a college is an institution that is limited to associate’s and bachelor’s degrees at the undergraduate level. 

Due to this distinction, you will find more program options at universities than you will at colleges. 

When Should You Apply for College?

Many colleges and universities open their applications during August and September and stop accepting them toward the end of spring. Most students start applying in the late summer/early fall of senior year. 

Every school is different, so be aware of the application window for your top choices.

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